Meet kallie, An Ultimate Angelz




Name: kallie

Birthday: august 27

Zodiac Sign: virgo

If I could live anywhere in the world it would be: tuscany, Italy

Go-To Starbucks Order: don't drink it

Favorite Gown Designer: portia & scarlett

Favorite Color to Wear: black

Favorite Style Gown to Wear: corset

Dream Career: model

I would Describe my Style as: very nyc

Top 3 Songs on Repeat Right Now: indifferent - megan moroney, someone else - tory lanez, too fast - future

Celebrity Crush: asap rocky

Favorite Movie: Hunger Games

The Best Thing About Being a Part of the Angelz is: the girls

3 words to describe me: honest, fun, loving

I'm an introvert/extrovert: introvert

Favorite Social Media Apps: Tiktok & Instagram

A quote I live by: Dream until it's your reality

When I was younger I always wanted to be: A fashion DESIGNER

My happiness comes from: FRIENDS

Something I would tell my younger self: THE RIGHT PEOPLE STAY